Tresor Women Warriors Attend GiEPA-ICDT Investment Forum

Tresor Women Warriors Attend GiEPA-ICDT Investment Forum

We are thrilled to share that our Administrator, Jatou Jaytee Mbye, and Admin Assistant, Fatoumatta Dahaba, had the privilege of attending the GiEPA-ICDT Investment Forum held at the prestigious Kairaba Hotel. This forum, organized by the Gambia Investment and Export Promotion Agency (GiEPA) in collaboration with the Islamic Centre for Development of Trade (ICDT), provided a unique and valuable opportunity for our staff to engage with potential investment opportunities in The Gambia.

A Platform for Learning and Networking

The GiEPA-ICDT Investment Forum brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including industry leaders, financial experts, policymakers, and international investors. The event aimed to showcase The Gambia’s investment potential and foster discussions on strategic partnerships that can drive the country’s economic growth. For Jatou Jaytee Mbye and Fatoumatta Dahaba, this was an invaluable chance to gain insights into the current investment landscape and understand the key areas of opportunity within The Gambia.

Exploring Investment Opportunities

Throughout the forum, participants were introduced to various sectors ripe for investment, such as agriculture, tourism, renewable energy, and technology. Expert panels and presentations highlighted the benefits of investing in The Gambia, emphasizing the country’s favorable business environment, strategic location, and supportive government policies. Our representatives took part in interactive sessions that provided practical knowledge and strategies for leveraging these opportunities to create sustainable development projects.

Building Connections for Future Growth

Networking was a key component of the forum, and our team made the most of it. They engaged in meaningful conversations with industry leaders and experts, exploring potential collaborations and partnerships. These interactions are crucial for Tresor Women Warriors as we aim to contribute to the economic growth and development of our country. By building connections with key stakeholders, we can identify ways to align our initiatives with national priorities and support impactful projects that benefit the Gambian community.

Our Commitment to Economic Development

At Tresor Women Warriors, we are dedicated to empowering women and fostering economic growth in The Gambia. Attending events like the GiEPA-ICDT Investment Forum aligns with our mission to stay informed about the latest developments and actively participate in shaping the future of our nation. We are excited to apply the knowledge gained and explore new avenues for contributing to The Gambia’s prosperity.

Gratitude to the Organizers

We extend our heartfelt thanks to GiEPA and ICDT for organizing this insightful and impactful event. Their efforts in bringing together diverse voices and perspectives are instrumental in driving forward the economic agenda of The Gambia. We look forward to future opportunities to collaborate and support initiatives that promote sustainable growth and development.

Stay tuned for more updates on our activities and initiatives as we continue to work towards a brighter future for The Gambia.

#TresorWomenWarriors #InvestmentForum #EconomicDevelopment #TheGambia #Empowerment #SustainableGrowth

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